Beyond Boundaries is a dream, a call to local and global community, a response to the times, to invitations and calls for participation, partnerships and support with people, projects and places committed to a regenerative future for all.
These calls are opportunities to build relationships and move beyond boundaries, beyond personal and organizational borders, to form alliances that foster intergenerational, cross-cultural collaboration in care for people, place and planet. We see and seek to co-create and support, actually gather around “watering-holes” – peoples, projects and places that serve as acupuncture points, healthy cells in our earth body.
“It is only through knowing boundaries – our history, our identity, our culture, ourselves – that we can truly come to respect and benefit from our differences, that we can move with them and go beyond.” Gigi Coyle
More like an organizing principle, Beyond Boundaries (BB) is a listening, a weaving, a prayer and action embedded in learning journeys and projects, initiatives and collaborations – “offerings that are ours to do” as part of a long-time vision we share of a more beautiful, just and peaceful world.

The words ‘peace’ and ‘justice’ describe an intuitive sense of well-being and societal health that is common to all peoples. I believe the essence of peace and fairness are natural, that is, they don’t have to be explained. Yes, a person’s natural sense of peace may be lost due to insecurity, woundedness, or a history of disappointments, but the larger evolutionary purpose of such an ethic is not lost. It is the task of pilgrims and all of us, to remember peace, stand for it, and invoke it in others, as we are able. This is the side we are on.
As pilgrims we seek to go beyond both partisanship and nonpartisanship. We need to consciously maintain through our speech, witness, and actions the very peace and fairness we seek in the world. This means not becoming zealously partisan and never trivializing the fears, suffering, or ideals of others. But it means something else as well, something deeper that precedes these essential qualities of peace-building.
Nature of Council is a five to eight day course for those who want to learn council as well as share the practice with others. Read More >
Walking Water is an invitation, an action, an educational journey and a prayer intended to bring our voices, our stories, and our commitment…Read More >
Weaving Earth creates educational experiences aimed at remembering and strengthening our relationships to self, to community and to the planet… Read More >